Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Psychological Research: the basics

Hindsight Bias-- after learning the outcome of an event, you feel like you would have predicted that outcome

  • common sense gives us insight to human nature-- tells us what has happened, not what will happen
    • we are often more confident than we are correct
    • over-confidence leads to overestimating our intuition
  • scientific attitude needed: curiosity, skepticism, humility
Basic Research Vocabulary
  1. theory= explanation that integrates principles and predicts behavior or events
  2. hypothesis= testable prediction that enables us to accept, reject or revise the theory
  3. operational definitions= statement of procedures used to define research variables-- concrete, unbiased way of measuring phenomena
Types of Psychological Research
  • case study= observe one person for a long time (not a large sample, so often misleading)
    • reveals underlying behavioral principles, tells us what can happen, suggests hypothesis for future
  • survey= large amounts of quick, self reported data
    • should be from a random sample of people, asking the right question can be really hard
      • false consensus effect- tendency to over estimate the extent to which others share our beliefs and behaviors
      • random sampling- each member of a certain population has equal chance of being in the study
  • naturalistic observation= record behavior in natural situations without interfering or controlling
  • when traits accompany each other, they correlate
    • correlation coefficient-- r= [-1,1] 0= no relationship, 1= strong relationship -1=strong inverse relationship
  • correlation does not equal causation (depression and anxiety go together, but which one is the cause and which one is the result?)
    • we must determine cause and effect through experimentation, not correlation
  • illusory correlation= perception of a relationship where none exists (
  • conformation bias= if we believe there is a relationship, we will notice and recall instances where our belief is confirmed
    • we notice random coincidences and think that they are part of the bigger picture
    • given random data, we look for orders and patterns
  • correlational studies predict behaviors but don't explain cause and effect
  • manipulate factors that interest us and keep other factors under control
    • manipulated factors determine cause and effects
    • dependent variable changes in response to independent variable
  • placebo effect= results caused by expectation alone
  • double-blind procedure= patients and experimenters should not be aware of which test group received the placebo so they don't dramatize data
    • descriptive research- observes behavior
    • correlational research- predicts behavior
    • experimental research- explains behavior
Statistical Reasoning
  • mode= most frequently occurring number
  • mean= average number
  • median= when lined up in descending/ascending order, the middle number
Measures of variation
  • range= difference between highest/lowest numbers in the data
  • standard deviation= how much the data varies around the mean number
    • must differentiate between real difference and natural fluctuation
    • observed difference is reliable if: deviations are small, sample is large and representative
  • statistical significance= statistical statement of how likely it is that an obtained result occurred by chance alone
    • alpha level 5%- chance/luck screw things up 5% of the time
    • if it is significant, it is not necessarily important or practical

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