
Note: this unit was a huge mess for me, so these notes are incomplete. The full unit was called "states of consciousness" and also included hypnosis.

Your brain is always emitting waves, even when you are sleeping

  • alpha waves: relaxed but awake
  • beta waves: active and awake
  • delta waves: super slow, during deep sleep
Sleep Stages

1.theta waves, hypnagogic sensations (sense of falling or floating)

2. sleep spindles (burst of activity-helps you stay asleep if something might wake you up), K-complexes, sleep-talking etc

3--4. deepest stage, delta waves, sleep walking and night terrors
    • hard to wake up--sound of their own name or crying baby may work
    • sleep walking may be a back and forth of sleep/wake/sleep/wake
5. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep: eyes move beneath lids
    • high activity in brain--beta waves show that you are dreaming
    • aka paradoxical sleep: body is paralyzed so you don't act out your dreams
      • always genital arousal, even if the dream is not sexual
    • REM occurs at the end of the night, so if you cut sleep short, you miss out on dreams!
Sleep deprivation: sleep is a biological need, if you don't sleep, you die. 
  • we accumulate a sleep debt= hours of sleep you need that you missed in span of 2 weeks
Sleep Theories: why do we need sleep?
  1. sleep protects: sleeping at night helps us hide from predators
  2. sleep recuperates: restores and repairs brain tissue
  3. sleep helps memory: restores and rebuilds fading memories
  4. sleep allows growth: pituitary gland releases growth hormone
  5. sleep cleans: cerebrospinal flow increases, washes away harmful waste proteins

Sleep Disorders
    • insomnia= recurring problems in falling or staying asleep
    • night terrors= during stage 4, kids are aroused from sleep with intense fear, they can not remember the episode in the morning
    • narcolepsy= uncontrollable urges to fall asleep- go instantly to REM sleep
    • sleep apnea= temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and repeated momentary awakenings
      • micro-wakes up to 400x per night caused by small episodes of suffocating
    Dreams: occur during REM sleep
    • 8/10 dreams have negative emotional content (faliure dreams
    • sexual dreams: 1/10 for men, 1/30 for women
    • gender distribution: women dream of males and females equally, men dream of 65% males
    • lucid dream: you become aware that you are dreaming and can take control of dream

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