Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Intro to Psychology-- Prolouge + Types of psychology

Prescientific Psychology

  • Buddha: sensations and perceptions work together to form our ideas
  • Hebrew scholars: bowels= emotions- connected with your mind
  • Plato and Socrates thought soul and body were separate- body is shell to house the mind
  • Aristotle disagreed-- worked with animals, saw connection: knowledge comes from experience
  • Descartes: tried to figure out how the mind and body connected
  • Bacon: scientific-- mind imposes order where there is none
  • Locke: empiricism= mind is a tabula rasa
    • beginnings of psychology-- first scientific approach using observation + experimentation
Early Psychological Science
  • Structuralism: using introspection to explore the structure of the human mind
    • do an activity, report the sensations/feelings it gives you (too vague, couldn't pinpoint any specific patterns because of individual differences in test subjects)
  • Functionalism: (william james) how mental/behavioral processes function in the real world
    • why do we smell, why do we feel emotions
      • darwin-inspired: must be some survival reason for these behavioral functions
  • Humanistic Psychology: searching for greater success and satisfaction in life, growth and development of personality + influence of surrounding environment
  • Behaviorism: (Watson and Skinner) behavior is most important part of psychology
    • mind+emotion=not practical, Pavlov's dogs drool at the ringing food bell
  • Freud: childhood experiences determine your behaviors-- deep seated violence+sexual desire
  • Cognitive Revolution: brain imaging technology, drugs to alleviate psychological disease
    • highlights importance of internal thought processes, highly scientific
Contemporary Psychology
  • Nature vs. Nurture debate: are we predisposed to act a certain way?
    • nurture works on what nature endows
  • Darwin: certain behaviors lead to natural selection+evolution
  • Levels of analysis
    • biopsychosocial approach: considers genetics, emotions and societal pressure
  • current fields of psychology: 
    • neuroscience= how body enables sensory experiences (body brain connection)
    • evolutionary= natural selection promotes certain behaviors
    • behavior genetics= effects of genes vs. environment (nature v. nurture debate) 
    • psycho-dynamic= unconscious drives and conflicts, especially from childhood experience
    • behavioral= how rewards and punishment influence behavior
      • behaviorism= learning
    • cognitive= how we encode, store and retrieve information
    • social-cultural= variations in behavior across cultures
Research: psychology is now regarded as a pure science
  • biological= links between brain and mind
  • developmental= womb to tomb changes over lifetime
  • cognitive= how we percieve, think, solve problems
  • personality= investigate persistant traits
  • social= how we view and affect eachother
Applied Research
  • clinical psychologist: treat mental disorders
  • counseling psychologist: help people work out hard problems (marriage and family therapist)
  • educational: school psychologists
  • industrial/organizational: workplace morale boost

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