Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Neuroscience Introduction

History of brain/mind
  • plato though mind was in brain, aristotle thought mind was in heart
    • we now understand biological/psychological connection between brain and mind
  • phrenology: 1800's- Franz Gall suggested that bumps on your head represent your abilities and personality traits
    • he was right that human brains are modular: different parts have different functions
Neural Communication
our information processing system is made up of neural cells
  • 20 billion in brain, 100's of billions in glial cells
    • glial cells support neurons
      • astrocytes: provide nutrition to neurons
      • oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells: insulate neurons
        • they create a myelin sheath covers axon which accelerates speed of messages
    • cell body: life support for neuron
    • dendrites: receive messages
    • axon: passes message from cell body to other neurons, muscles, glands
    • myelin sheath: covers axon, provides protection and increases speed
    • terminal branches of axon: goes to dendrites of other cells

  • action potential: electrical charge (from ions)
    • caused by pumping, flowing movement of positive ions through cell's membrane
      • too much water can flush out these ions and destroy the system-- death!
    • threshold= the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural response
    • refractory period: after a neuron fires, there is a moment of readjustment before it can fire again
      • always fires in same direction, at same intensity (toilet analogy)
  • Synapse: junction between axon tip of sender and dendrite of receiver, tiny gap= synaptic gap
    • re-uptake: neurotransmitters are reabsorbed into the sending neurons

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